I offer a variety of services to authors, businesses and charities. I can adapt these services to the needs of the individual, so please contact me if you would like to discuss further.
Book Coaching
As a book coach, I help writers to fulfil their writing potential by removing the barriers that often lead to frustration and a lack of progress.
Please click here for more information about this service.
Developmental Editing
My developmental editing service is priced per individual project. The cost is based on a sample of your work.
Please click here for more information about this service.
Manuscript Critique
A manuscript critique is a more budget-friendly alternative to a developmental edit.
Please click here for more information about this service.
Line & Copyediting
The time to commission a line and copyedit is once the final draft is complete and you are happy with the story and structure. This is the most efficient way to prepare your book for the next stage of its journey.
Please click here for more information.
Business and Charity Copyediting
Whether it’s a website, marketing materials, instruction manuals or important reports, I can copyedit to ensure your copy is clear, logical, accurate and effective.
Please click here for more information.
Proofreading is the last stage before your work is published. Think of it as quality control. If you are unsure if your work is ready for proofreading, I am happy to look at a short sample and offer some free advice.
Please click here for more information.