The time to commission a line and copyedit is once the final draft is complete and you are happy with the story and structure. This is the most efficient way to prepare your book for the next stage of its journey.
If you haven’t yet reached this point, you may need to consider a Developmental Edit.
What does the service look at?
A line and copyedit focuses on the impact of and consistency in your writing by considering:
- Pace and narrative flow
- Consistency in characters
- Clarity and consistency in narrative point of view (including checking for head-hopping)
- Consistency in tense and writing style
- Sentence structure and syntax
- Punctuation, spelling and grammar
- Dialogue-tagging, layout, style, unnatural dialogue
- Layout including spacing, indents and section breaks
- Sensitivity issues such as stereotyping, cultural misrepresentation, problematic language
What feedback will I get?
The feedback consists of:
- Comments, and suggested edits noted on the manuscript using track changes
- A numbered list of queries requiring more detailed explanation
- Suggested edits summarised in a written report
- A style sheet
- A clean copy of the document
***The price also includes a one hour follow up Zoom call to discuss the edits, if required.***
Manuscripts up to 50,000 words are typically charged at 0.02pence per word.
Manuscripts of 50,001+ words are typically charged at 0.015pence per word.
*** A full quote is provided based on a 1000 word sample of your work. The price per word may be higher depending on the level of editing needed. ***
A 50% deposit is payable in advance to secure the booking. Instalment plans are available. Please contact me for details.